Ministries & Missions

Garden Ministry

Various folk work in the garden assisting the part time gardener during the week and on a Saturday morning. Their aim is to create and maintain a haven in which fellow christians can relax, meditate, worship – a place to meet God.

Women’s Fellowship

The ladies meet on a Wednesday morning from 09:00 to 11:00 for praise and teaching, followed by tea and fellowship in the hall until 11:00.

Disciple Course

A Disciple course is currently available for prospective candidates. It is held once a week at Trinity United Church on Wednesdays from 19:00 to 21:00.

Small Groups Ministry

Numerous home group experiences are provided for just about every need, time, age group and level of understanding. There are day time and evening groups. These groups provide a haven for fellowship as well as scriptural development.

Prayer Net Ministry

This ministry uses intercessory prayer to pray for those who are in need, (ill-health, unemployment, trauma etc.) upholding them in prayer while being at home or at the office.

Wholeness/Healing Ministry

This ministry meets on a Sunday morning, and members needing prayer are welcome to come to the chapel. Prayers are held for all those in need.

TWR Women of Hope

TWR Women of Hope offer compassion, encouragement and hope to suffering women worldwide through prayer, awareness, mercy ministry and radio programming. Updated information is available from the website Those at TUC wanting to find out more about active participation in the international prayer movement can contact Brenda Lombard (0836751795) or send an e-mail to A copy of the TWR Women of Hope prayer calendar is freely available every month from the table in the foyer. All are welcome to join us in prayer.

Worship Support Ministry

Support groups who do the background and support functions of services as listed:

  • Music Ministry
  • Banner and Decor Ministry
  • Flower Ministry

Welcome Ministry

Support groups who do the background and support functions of services as listed:

  • Door Stewards
  • Info Desk
  • Counting Collection
  • Communion
  • Sound Ministry

Prison Ministry

To bring God into the lives of the inmates of a particular prison by means of the Kairos (Emmaus) Ministry.

Police Ministry

Congregation members meet at the Norkem Park Police Station to pray for them and their families.


Alpha courses are run on an annual basis at Trinity. This is a course aimed at introducing people to the Christian faith. Teams are always needed to arrange, run and facilitate Alpha.

New Member’s Ministry

New members Orientation Course is run once a month on a Saturday morning. This course introduces Trinity United Church to new members, explaining the functions and operations of the church and the various ministries. New members also have an opportunity to meet the Leaders.

Baptism Ministry

Baptism services are held four times a year. Baptisms are not limited to members only.

Feeding Scheme

On average, 120 folk are fed three times a week with a meal of beans, polony and refreshment/soup.
The feeding scheme runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 and is run on a purely donation basis. Bread, baked beans, polony, margarine, jam, tea, sugar and milk are donated primarily by the congregation and a small corporate monetary donation.
If you are willing to assist or donate in any way please contact the Church office.

Knitting Project

Disabled Children meet with Brenda every Friday at 13:00, and she teaches then how to knit, they knit everything from teddy bears to blankets. These children are also provided with something to eat and transport. For more information or to become involved, please contact Brenda | | 083 675 1795


Avalanche meets every Friday evening at 18h30 at the Church for an evening of fun and Worship.

Youth Group Sunday Service from 09:30 on Sunday.

Jesus wants to draw us ever closer to Him – therefore we have active programs of Christian education for all ages, so that we may grow in the faith that we have been given. We care for youth on Sundays and with weekend activities.

« My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.» Proverbs 23:26


J.A.M @ T.U.C ~ JESUS AND ME @ TRINITY UNITED CHURCH – The Children’s Church is held every Sunday at 09h30.

For children from 3 years old.

Jesus wants to draw us ever closer to Him – therefore we have active programs of Christian education for all ages, so that we may grow in the faith that we have been given. We care for youth on Sundays and with weekend activities.

« Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”» Matthew 19:14
